Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Tugas 3 (mengenal diri sendiri)

8 excellence in me :

1.    Easily adaptable
2.    Cheerful
3.    Responsibility
4.    Spirit
5.    Sweet
6.    Humble
7.    Kind
8.    Faithful

Why the guests living the restaurant or hotel ?

1.    Unsatisfactory service
2.    Food is less tasty
3.    Cleanliness is not maintained
4.    Places are noisy and hot
5.    Inadequate facilities
6.    Long service
7.    The waiter not polite
8.    The waiter did not know about product knowledge so that guests are reluctant

1 komentar:

  1. your answer not spesification for this assignment, you've received B Score in assignment 2.

    and in assignment 1, you've received B Score, better if you feel confident if you have well-prepared scenario.

    your assignment about geese story, you get B score.
